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Sarah Posner recently reported on the Tea Party’s religious affiliations, and how these affiliations directly play into their legislative agenda. Posner broke down the party’s religious affiliation as follows…
  • 81% of Tea Party members identify as Christian
  • 57% of those Christians are "Conservative"
  • 30% of those Christians are "Evangelical"
  • 63% of Tea Party members believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases
  • 82% believe gay marriage should be illegal
These statistics prove the possibility that the Tea Party’s most ardent backers of defunding Planned Parenthood are religiously, not fiscally, motivated. As Amanda Marcotte, a writer for Slate, points out, the movement to defund Planned Parenthood is backed by religious and socially conservative politicians, “many of whom object to how the organization's services enable nonprocreative sex.”

For further proof that the Tea Party’s war on women is not fiscally motivated, check out the
article that Marcotte wrote for Slate. Marcotte concisely refutes the party’s claims that Planned Parenthood is a costly organization. According to Marcotte, the average cost of a year’s worth of birth control for a low-income Planned Parenthood patient costs the government $148—as opposed to the $215 it would cost the government at a non-Planned Parenthood affiliated clinic. To cut funding from birth control would mean that the government would spend an additional $174 million annually on birth control patients alone.

Planned Parenthood’s fiscal responsibility extends beyond birth control, as well. Planned Parenthood was one of the first organizations to do away with unnecessary annual pap smears. Instead, the organization encourages women to undergo the procedure once every three years. Additionally, because Planned Parenthood is a national organization, it is able to secure wholesale deals that provide supplies to all their clinics at a reduced cost.

For every dollar spent on family planning and birth control, the government saved $3.74 in pre- and post-natal care. If this fact alone is not enough to refute the claims of supposedly ‘fiscally concerned’ Tea Partiers, what is?

Stephen Lynch is an anti-abortion Democrat Congressman from Massachusetts. In spite of his beliefs, Lynch understands the importance of Planned Parenthood and has issued this statement,

“This is about the ability of Planned Parenthood to conduct women's health care, to offer services that are deeply needed in many communities where no other source of health care is available…. I don't have many friends in the Planned Parenthood community. They don't support me. I am pro-life. But I respect the good work that they do.”

What can you do to show your support for Planned Parenthood and the rights of women? Planned Parenthood has a
list of ways in which you can help. Opportunities range from donating money and interning, to attending demonstrations and becoming a community educator. And of course, you can always write to your local congressperson and voice your support!

Poster Design by Marie Ledger
Poster Design by Sunny Lee